
There is so much available, sometimes finding what you are looking for can take a lot of time! Here are some recommendations for useful information, advice and support:

The following information includes national resources but is focused on local support in Tavistock and surrounding areas, Devon.

Breastfeeding and Bottle Feeding Support

Midwife and Health Visitor

They can provide support with feeding, you can ask if they could do a home visit. 

Devon - you might be referred to specialist health visitors through Latch and Attach if you need further support.
Plymouth - you might be referred to the Infant Feeding team if you need further support.

Breastfeeding Support Groups

If you are able to travel to a group, there are a few locally: 

Private Support

Beyond NHS support, additional services may be available to pay for and some will offer home visits. As a qualified and insured Infant Feeding Coach/Breastfeeding Counsellor you can contact me for advice and support.

When looking for private support, ensure they are qualified and insured:

IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant) -
Infant Feeding Coach -

Find out who’s who in the world of infant feeding advice - Whos-who-in-BF.pdf (

National Support - Online and Telephone